Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Fall Home Maintenance ChecklistFall

Happy Fall everyone! I have done this before but it is always good to have a reminder of those tasks we should begrudgingly perform once a year (if that...) 

I'm talking more to myself than anyone else when I yourself a headache and money down the road and get these items done. Some are obviously more critical than others, but they all probably warrant some consideration. 

If anyone has any other I'm sure there are many more leave a comment or link and we can all help one another get ready before the snow flies. Have a great day everyone! 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Solar Buying Power...The Current Reality

Hello again everyone! I wanted to continue the solar series here on the blog. A series I haven't officially started until this exact moment, but I still had questions surrounding solar so I figured I would continue to look for answers and share my findings with you. Hopefully there is something helpful in here for us. In particular I wanted to share with you some thoughts from a lender perspective on solar. Are you going to find appraisers and lenders who value the solar panels on that home you're buying as much as you do? What are the benefits exactly anyway? 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Can Trails Help You Sell Your Home?

One of my most read posts here on Nichole Gets Green is "I Want Trails" where I looked at trails and their impact on how quickly a home sold. This was on my mind last week when I spent the morning walking around Daybreak, a community near my home with walking trails and many outdoor activities. That day was stressful for me initially, I could have easily  told myself I didn't have time to take a walk, and yet somehow getting outside using time I felt I shouldn't be taking turned the whole day around for me. In my opinion this is one of the most important aspects when looking for your home, where it is located..the neighborhood, the community, and the opportunities to get outside. Home to me is a safe place that makes your life better, makes you happy more days than not, and improves your quality of life. I still believe trails and parks being nearby in most cases will get your home sold more quickly. On that note, I decided to revisit the facts, are homes still selling more quickly with trails nearby in this new "hotter" market? 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Is Solar Worth It?

Solar Panels seem to be everywhere these days. You may have noticed neighbors who don't drive Prius' and otherwise don't fit the 'green' stereotype now have panels beaming off of their roofs. Have you considered installing solar panels on your home? If so, like me, you may have also wondered what impact it might have on re-sale when the time comes, whether solar is worth the investment, and even wondered where to I set out to get some answers on what buyer's and seller's might need to know. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Smart Thermostat Rebates

Is a Smart Thermostat a good buy for your home? 

If you have been on the fence about a Smart Thermostat, or are wondering if they are even right for you this might be the time to consider making the switch. I live in Utah and am talking about current rebates available for two of the most popular Smart Thermostats: Nest and Ecobee 3. However, information on rebates are easily available for nearly any location. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ice Dams

Magic icicles glistening off of your homes rooftop, a classic sign of winter right? What if those icicles could be a warning sign of a potentially costly ice dam issue? Ice dams form when melting snow ends up refreezing at the edge of your roof or the gutter. So what's the harm and what are your options?

What's the problem? Well the dam is just what it sounds like...a little dam, and behind those ice dams melted water can form and possibly infiltrate the shingles and eventually your home. Roof related home owners insurance claims regularly rate among the top 10 homeowners insurance claims filed. Why file a claim, damage your home, and cost yourself money for something that is at least moderately preventable.