Sunday, May 11, 2014

Coming Next Week

What I plan on doing on this blog is highlighting some things I’m doing to live even just a little more sustainably. A lot of my posts will be based around the home, and I hope they will be useful for homeowners or anyone looking to make some changes where they live.

I personally don’t think “getting green” or living more sustainably is an all or nothing prospect. I admire people who ride their bike or walk to work and live in the most sustainable of homes. I strive to be more like them! However, some people feel this is just not realistic or anything they feel they can achieve.

To me green is a color with many shades

So maybe if we all can make some modifications that we want to make that fit into what we feel we can do then we can make an impact on the environment, our wallets, or even just our happiness.

In the upcoming week I will be working on a post highlighting some of my favorite plants that use less water and in my eyes are every bit as attractive in the landscape as some of our favorite water guzzlers.

I would never want to leave without a picture so in anticipation of the upcoming post here you go.

Until the next time…

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